公司突然說要 Scrum 考試,只好卯起來讀書了。找了線上考題練習,參考 Scrum Guide 把筆記整理在這篇。

Scrum 定義

A framework within which complex products in complex environments are developed.

Scrum is a framework that eliminates complexity.

Scrum offers a framework for dealing with complexity NOT eliminates (消除) complexity.

Scrum is like traditional processes but with self-organization to replace Project Managers.

Project Managers are NOT simply replaced by self-organizing teams. Scrum is a framework for optimizing decision making based on the knowledge and experience of the entire team.

Scrum is a methodology where you can pick and choose which parts of Scrum you think will work for your environment.

Scrum is meant to be implemented as prescribed (規定的) in the Scrum Guide. For example, the five events in the Scrum Guide are mandatory (強制性的), each event has a specific purpose.

The purpose of a Sprint is to produce a done increment of working product.

Scrum 理論

Upon what type of process control is Scrum based?

Empirical (經驗主義)

The three pillars of empirical process control are:

  • Inspection (檢視性)
  • Transparency (透明性)
  • Adaptation (調適性)

Scrum Team

Who is on the Scrum Team?

  • The Scrum Master
  • The Product Owner
  • The Development Team

Scrum does not have a role called “project manager.”


What is the role of Management in Scrum?

Support the Product Owner with insights (見解) and information into high value product and (系統功能). Support the Scrum Master to cause organizational change that fosters (扶植) empiricism (經驗主義), self-organization, bottom-up intelligence (自下而上的情報), and intelligent release of software (智能發布軟件).

During a Sprint, a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast. Who should be present to review and adjust the Sprint work selected?

The Product Owner and the Development Team.

Development Team

The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:

Turn the Product Backlog items it selects into an increment of potentially releasable product functionality.

Who is responsible for managing the progress of work during a Sprint?

The Development Team

The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to a Sprint that is in progress. What should the Development Team do?

Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO.

Development Team membership should change:

As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity (減少產能).

What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team)?

3 to 9

How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a Sprint?

As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of “Done”.

Product Owner

Which statement best describes a Product Owner’s responsibility?

Optimizing (優化) the value of the work the Development Team does.

Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?

The Product Owner

Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog?

The Product Owner

Scrum Master

Which of the following services are appropriate for a Scrum Master in regard to the Daily Scrum?

Teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute time-box.

What is the main reason for the Scrum Master to be at the Daily Scrum?

He or she does not have to be there; he or she only has to ensure the Development Team has a Daily Scrum.

What are the two primary ways a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity?

  • By facilitating (促進) Development Team decisions
  • By removing impediments (障礙) that hinder (阻礙) the Development Team

Scrum 事件

The Sprint

When might a Sprint be abnormally cancelled?

When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete (過時的/不合時宜).

When is a Sprint over?

When the time-box expires.

The length of a Sprint should be:

  • Short enough to keep the business risk acceptable to the Product Owner.
  • Short enough to be able to synchronize (同步化) the development work with other business events.
  • No more than one month.

The purpose of a Sprint is to produce (生產) a done increment (增量) of working product.


It is mandatory (強制性的) that the product increment be released to production at the end of each Sprint.

False. The product increment should be usable and releasable at the end of every Sprint, but it does NOT have to be released.

Sprint Planning

The time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting is?

8 hours for a monthly Sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.

Daily Scrum

Who is required to attend the Daily Scrum?

The Development Team.

Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?

The consistency (一致性) reduces complexity (複雜).

The time-box for a Daily Scrum is?

15 minutes.

Sprint Review

It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders (利害關係人) inspect the outcome of a Sprint (檢視此 sprint 成果) and figure out what to do next.

The maximum length of the Sprint Review (its time-box) is:

4 hours for a monthly Sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.

Sprint Retrospective

The Scrum Team should choose at least one high priority process improvement, identified during the Sprint Retrospective, and place it in the Product Backlog.

False, to ensure continuous improvement, the Sprint Backlog rather than the Product Backlog includes at least one high priority process improvement identified in the previous Sprint Retrospective meeting.

The maximum length of the Sprint Retrospective (its time-box) is:

3 hours for a monthly Sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.

Scrum Artifacts

Product Backlog

The Product Backlog is ordered by:

Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner.

How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a Sprint?

As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of “Done”.

Sprint Backlog

When does a Development Team member become the sole owner of a Sprint Backlog item?

Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are “owned” by the entire Development Team, even though each one may be implemented by an individual development team member.

The Sprint Backlog is fully formulated in the Sprint Planning meeting and does not change during the Sprint.

The Sprint Backlog makes visible all of the work that the Development Team identifies as necessary to meet the Sprint Goal. The Development Team modifies the Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, and the Sprint Backlog emerges during the Sprint.


When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the definition of “Done?”

All Development Teams must have a definition of “Done” that makes their combined work potentially releasable.

Who creates the definition of “Done”?

The development organization (or Development Team if none is available from the development organization)


An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the terminology (術語) to fit with terminology already used. What will likely happen if this is done?

  • Without a new vocabulary (詞彙) as a reminder of the change, very little change may actually happen.
  • The organization may not understand what has changed with Scrum and the benefits of Scrum may be lost.
  • Management may feel less anxious (焦慮).

What does it mean to say that an event has a time-box?

The event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.
